French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday refuted claims that he invited Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the messaging app Telegram, to France. Durov was detained upon arrival in Paris and later released on probation. While Macron was in Belgrade for official talks, he denied allegations from the French newspaper Le Canard Enchaine that he had invited Durov to France. The newspaper had reported that Durov was detained immediately after landing at the airport as part of a purported invitation to the Elysee Palace. Macron stated that he had “absolutely no idea” about Durov’s visit to France and emphasised that it would be “wrong” to suggest he had invited Durov for dinner at the presidential residence. The French president defended his decision to grant Durov French citizenship in 2021. Macron described the move as part of a broader strategy to confer citizenship on influential international figures who “learn the French language” and contribute positively to France. He ...